Devops Skills Mastery Courses
Premium Courses
Courses Authored by Gourav Shah and Published by Linux Foundation, Made Available to School of Devops Gold Members.
Bonus Courses
Group Coaching
What will you learn ?
Gold Membership includes Devops Mastery Courses as well as Premium and Bonus Courses. Here are 10 things that you would learn by being a Gold Member.
Automate Cloud with Terraform
Terraform is one of the most widely used tool to automate cloud infrastructure provisioning. Learn to write Infrastucture as a Code with Terraform with our Terraform Mastery Course.
Build Continuous Integration Pipelines
With our LFS262 - CI/CD Course as well as with Ultimate Devops Bootcamp, learn to build continuous integration and delivery pipelines step by step. Use modern technologies such as Jenkins with Blue Ocean, Jenkinsfile, Git Based Workflows, Docker and Kubernetes to set up Container Based Delivery Pipelines.
Enforce Branch Policies with GitHub
Learn how to enforce branching models such as Trunk Based Development Model by adding branch protection rules, locking down the mainline code, enforcing code reviews and feedback from continuous integration system with pull requests based workflow using Git and GitHub.
Incorporate Security with DevSecOps
Our LFS262 Course would help you understand how to incorporate security into Devops Pipelines at every stage be it component analysis, static code analysis, container image scanning, running dynamic security tests, running CIS benchmark compliance tests or be it runtime security monitoring with ArgoCD and Falco. We have it all covered.
Master the "Art of Writing Dockerfiles"
With our LFD254 and Docker Mastery Courses get started building container images by incorporating all the best practices. Learn to set up container environment, learn to run and operate containers, write Dockerfiles, use Multi Stage Dockerfiles, deploy Micro Services with Docker Compose.
Deploy Containers at Scale with Kubernetes
Kubernetes is the number 1 technology which could impact your career significantly. Learn to deploy your container based workloads at scale with Kubernetes. Understand all the essential primitives including Pods, ReplicSets, Services, Deployments, Persistent Storage, Ingress Controllers, RBAC, HELM etc. with our LFD254 and Kubernetes Mastery Courses.
Automated Deployments with ArgoCD
ArgoCD is an implementation of GitOps principles. Its simple to start and offers a great interface to work with. Set up automated deployments to your Kubernetes Environments with ArgoCD.
Progressive Releases with Flux and Flagger
Flux is another implementation of GitOps. Even though it has a bit of a learning curve, its very sophisticated, scalable deployment system. And along with Flagger and Ingress Controllers or a Service Mesh, you could set up a very intelligent progressive deployments such as Canary, Blue/Green, A/B Testing etc. Master GitOps with Flux and Flagger with our LFS269 Course.